Bunny Wingate Tavares

Bunny Wingate Tavares is author of Escaping the USA on Amazon.


I was born in the concrete jungle of New York City with no horse in sight, but for some reason the first word I ever said was “horse”, some kind of unexplained love affair from age two. My Dad took me to Madison Square Garden every November for the National Horse Show, and he took me riding in Central Park …

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A Bronx Girl

I was an adorable two year old when I was uprooted from my Brooklyn digs and transported to the hills of the Bronx.  My parents were convinced that the altitude in the Bronx was far superior to anywhere else in New York.  My Dad could never really explain this theory but he stuck by it for more than forty years.  …

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The Evolution of Jaime Verdugo

“Where everybody knows your name” is Charley’s mantra and no one is as surprised as Jaime Verdugo.  At forty six years of age Jaime is a success as a restauranteur.  His eatery sits proudly on the west side of the free road just north of the statue of Jesus.  Charley’s opened just four years ago with Jaime as the cook …

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Robin’s Dream

Robin Gunther had a dream when she arrived in Rosarito some years ago, a dream that we are all privy to now.  One thought, in the mind of a person that gets things done, can move mountains and so it did for hundreds of homeless dogs and cats no longer roaming our streets as they did before.  Sick with mange, …

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Rose and the Valentine’s Day Dinner

It was 1951 and it was my job to bring my mother Rose a rose, always red.  This time I got fancy and bought a yellow rose, actually two of them.  My gift was met with disdain, actually a sound that sounded something like “Blech.” My Father’s yearly Valentine ritual consisted of an expensive gift and an equally expensive dinner …

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Love is a Four Letter Word

Another four letter word is Baja, my home, a place of rampant charity and good will to all.  This does not mean that this love is given freely to anyone that asks, or does it? Our borders are blurred with charitable offerings to children and adults, animals and displaced people.  A broken leg or hearing of a cancer diagnosis brings …

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High Holy Days in the Bronx

It was like another world – away from everything we did or knew in our everyday lives.  This holiday was special.  All my relatives had their own take on what this holiday meant as well as what was allowed or forbidden on the Sabbath. My Mother, Rose, had her own religion that suited her lifestyle, and no one could tell …

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Out and About Rosarito to La Mision

Our town presents enormous possibilities every day of the week for fun and games, food and chatter, sports and beach or just plain sittinʼ around and taking life easy.  I am trying my best to pack as much living into my life before its inevitable end, and I donʼt even have to travel more than a few miles in any …

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Betuccini’s for the Love of Food

Just after this eatery opened David and I couldn’t wait to sample their fare, and it was not a happy experience.  Early this week we tried again.  We walked into their beautiful outdoor dining room very carefully and ordered our drinks.  After scanning the menu and seeing the humongous portions being delivered to other diners, we made our move and …

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Too Happy

Is it possible to be too happy?  George Carlin, a favorite comic and raconteur, said that he met a fellow people said was “Too happy” and that was enough to send George away to a funny farm for a long rest.  I would have agreed with George some years ago but that was before we moved to Rosarito. Last evening, …

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