Creating With Our Community

Baja Community GardenerYes, we are busy people, eating, drinking, and enjoying life in our beautiful Punta Banda.  We do get caught up in our own lives.  But we can still be part of our community as a natural expression of who we are.  Anything we can offer, even on a small level will ripple into something more.

Consider what you have to offer.  Some examples may be for you to host a yearly block party to bring people together, or on a smaller scale an open house for just a few.  This helps people feel more connected and comfortable with one another.

Baja ComputerPerhaps you’re a master gardener, and could help people plan an organic garden.  You could be a go-to person to help folks with their pets and plants when they’re away, or grocery shop for them when they’re unable to.  Consider a holiday meal for singles or shut-ins.  Your unique visions and gifts are what make a community.  Here in Punta Banda we have an internet bulletin board site on which we communicate.  What a gift that is!  I love it and use it to post my yoga and qigong classes.  I extend a heartfelt thank you to all that have a hand in running it.

Baja TheatreWe have our beloved Gertrude Pearlman Theatre which is directed and cast with volunteers and which puts on many amazing plays and events.  I am so grateful for this oasis and for Connie, Irka, Leslie, Ed and many more.  It’s the people who make it happen.

We have two meditation groups and my thanks to Rand and Carol.  We have an animal rescue center that has made a big difference.  We’re no longer seeing as many desperate animals.  St. Paco’s Place is always looking for volunteers and of course, money.  Thanks to Joy, Linda and all the contributors and volunteers.

Our money can make a difference too, even if it’s a small amount, it all adds up.Baja Yogi

Perhaps your offering is of a visionary nature or down to earth practical help.  Don’t forget your community.  It brings so much joy to those you reach out to, and to your own self. Let’s make a difference by donating our selves.

In Light, Namaste.

About Ella O'Bryan

Ella O’Bryan is the Original Yogini of Punta Banda. She is asking that you send her feedback on her articles!

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