Baja Review

Teamwork! Or How to Put Together A TV Cabinet and Live To Tell About It!

Teamwork! It goes really well when the task isn’t too difficult, all parties involved are in a good mood, and the end result is something all parties want to achieve.  Recently, my Texas granddaughter, Emily, wanted to eat a strawberry flavored Go-Gurt yogurt.  Go-Gurt prides itself in being, “The first yogurt in a tube that kids could have fun slurping up.”  A great concept, unless you’re three and your little fingers can’t squeeze the tube hard enough to get the yogurt out.

Hence, Emily appearing at my side, Go-Gurt in hand, asking, “Grandma, can you help me?”  I could, and the concept of teamwork was born for Emily.  Her part, to open her mouth and swallow, my part, squeeze the yogurt into her mouth.  After she had enjoyed every last bit of Go-Gurt, I said, “Emily, we had teamwork!”  She grasped the concept immediately and we heard about teamwork for quite a while afterwards.  This wasn’t difficult.  All parties were in a good mood and success was achieved.

In every family’s life, the moment arrives when their TV dies. In our case, it was a console TV which Emily’s mommy referred to as, “the first TV ever made.”  She was right, but it was a nice looking piece of furniture, I could put a lamp and a plant on top of it and the dancing reindeer at Christmas time.  I turned it on to watch the news.  Alas, no sound.  We turned it on and off, looked at each other and said, “we knew this day would come.”  A new flat screen had been planned for there and John had bought the TV cabinet of his dreams, which came unassembled.  Yes, unassembled.  He’s an engineer, I take direction fairly well, how hard could it be?

Those of you who have traveled this road are already laughing.  We took special time for prayer we would get through job this while BEING PLEASANT.  Also that neither of us would be wounded.

Carefully carrying pieces A and B into our bedroom where this cabinet was to live, John opened the large envelope of directions.  The book is 15 pages long, written by someone who had never assembled one of these babies.  Teamwork!  We spent one full day on this.  I only had a cut on one knee and a bruise on the other, but we were PLEASANT all day.  The new TV is in place on its beautiful new cabinet.  The old console TV has gone to perpetual rest at an E-Waste facility, the former bedroom TV and cabinet are in the front room and we are alive to tell about it.  Teamwork is one of those concepts God is fond of. He gave us His Son, His Word and our part is to live like we are “the light of the world, a city on a hill that can’t be hidden.” Oh, and to BE PLEASANT!

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