Baja Review

We’re Santa’s Senior Reindeer

I have enjoyed writing about my experiences in Mexico.  Chief among them has been my association with the Rosarito Theater Guild.  My most recent efforts were in the Christmas production of Santa’s Other Reindeer as Wanda a sassy reindeer from Brooklyn.

There were ten of us busy memorizing dialogue, music and blocking.  The thing was, we were not Spring Chickens and working with all of us presented some specific challenges.  If we hid in a sleigh, we had to be able to get up in time for our lines.  If we had to fall to the floor, we needed to make sure we weren’t going to stay there indefinitely.

Dancing presented a vast array of possibilities.  Could we count?  Could we keep time?  Were we able to keep breathing all the while making sure our dance moves came out the way we had rehearsed them?  After dancing did we have enough air to keep on singing?  It was very important to keep our sense of humor as we supported each other along the way.

Did I mention that we also had a cast member on crutches, a leaking roof and lights that couId surprise us at times?  Everyone who was a part of this production worked incredibly hard.  This just made for a more interesting challenge and a chance to prove our commitment!

As I have reflected about this wonderful, challenging experience, I have come to realize what attracts me to many of the people who have chosen Baja as their home.  I admire their good sportsmanship.  I want to be around people who take a chance and are good sports regardless of the outcome.  I have found many of those people here in Rosarito.  I consider myself lucky and can hardIy wait to see what new adventures are in store.

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