Baja Review

Too Happy

Is it possible to be too happy?  George Carlin, a favorite comic and raconteur, said that he met a fellow people said was “Too happy” and that was enough to send George away to a funny farm for a long rest.  I would have agreed with George some years ago but that was before we moved to Rosarito.

Last evening, after enjoying a game of Farkle (played weekly with dice, laughs and crazy people), we adjourned to Ollie’s for his superb pizza.  Susan sighed while chomping on Caesar Salad and announced that “Life is good.”  “Yes.” I said, and the others agreed as well, very good indeed in our small town by the sea.

What would I be doing in New England if I had stayed into my seventies?

Certainly not Farkle or any of the myriad games and activities offered here.  There are so many committees and games, volunteering, charities and musicals, animal rescue and equine fun, not to leave out the arts like acting and writing.  Pencil in movies offered on Fridays nights, with popcorn, at a fine fellow’s home and social evenings at friends’ homes.  All this in a few miles of the beach with views and sunsets that take one’s breath away.

I sit at my computer beginning another book.  The last play about internet dating is finished and about to be produced.  I wonder how I had the nerve to become a writer and actor at this late date.

Here I found peace and comfort, and that allows me to expand my horizons with no fear of the consequences.  What makes Rosarito so special?  All these towns in northern Baja?  The ex-pats that live here I believe would have many different answers and that’s fine.  Whatever magic Rosarito weaves into our lives – we’re grateful.

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